Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Senator Douchebag

I'm sure by now you have heard about Sen. Kerry's comment about students who don't do well in school getting "stuck in Iraq".

Here is the message I sent to him:

Dear Sen Kerry,Regarding your comments earlier this week about "being stuck in Iraq". I find your comments to be extremely offensive. I have served in the US Army and Army Reserve for over 18 years, with honor. I spent last year in Kuwait, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I also have a BS in Electrical Engineering Technology from Penn State and have completed 6 credit towards a Master's degree in Engineering Science. Does this mean I am not intelligent because I am in the military?

I ask you to please write to Sen. Kerry and let him know how REAL Americans, who are not married to billionaires, feel about our young men and women who have volunteered to do a job that may place them in dangerous situations.

Here is a link to sign a petition asking Sen. Kerry to apologize for his comments.

By the way, I am not a Republican, I just subscribe to their newsletter to keep myself informed.

For real change in government, on November 7th:

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