Friday, November 10, 2006

Happy Veteran's Day

Tomorrow is Veterans' Day, as all the sales ads will tell you. Please take a few minutes to reflect upon the sacrifices a few Americans are willing to take for the benefit of all of us.

More importantly, remember those who have paid the ultimate price for our country. Please put politics aside and just remember them as the patriots they truly are.

Speaking of politics, my displeasure with Sen. Kerry's "joke" generated a lot of discussion about my political views and what I think of the war in Iraq. Politically, I am a registered, card carrying Libertarian. I have been a Libertarian for well over 5 years now. When I was in college, I took a sociology class and the one day we were discussing politics. I made the comment that I was not sure if I was a conservative Democrat or a liberal Republican. My personal views do not fit neatly into either major party. One of the other students in the class mentioned I might want to look into the Libertarian party. Like most people, I was skeptical at first, but after researching, I found the Libertarian view to be nearly indentical to mine.

On to Iraq... I have always had the opinion that we should have not invaded in 2003. Hussein did not seem to pose any immediate threat to the US. The Saudis, maybe, after all 19 of the 21 9/11 hijackers were Saudi citizens. The has been much discussion in the news about us "losing" the war in Iraq. How can we say if we are winning or losing if we do not have clear goals?

I feel we should be formulating a plan to help the Iraqis help themselves. "Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat forever." All people want to be free, no matter what their religion. They may not choose to live under an American style government, but freedom is freedom, regardless of it's form. Although I feel we should have not started the war when we did, I feel we should finish it in some way other than just leaving.

That's my $.02.

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