Saturday, August 19, 2006

Relief (For Now)

Joy! Jasmine made it through surgery with flying colors. The vet said her pre-op blood work results were "execptional" for a dog her age. The lump has been sent to the lab for testing to see if it is a tumor or just a cyst.

She is resting comfortably, sleeping on the couch. The hard thing now is going to be making sure she does rest. I hope I have as much energy as she does when I am 13 (91 in human years).

I'm off to an old-fashioned Lancaster County Luau this evening.

1 comment:

NittanyBri said...

All is well. The lump is not cancer. Yes, animals can get breast cancer. The vet said the chance of a dog having breast cancer is near zero if they are spyed in their first year and goes up every year. Another great reason to have dogs neutered.