Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hiya Chester...

Well, I've finally stared drilling again, er, doing my reserve duty for you civilians. It's actually good to be (kinda) back in the Army. So far I like my new unit. There are a few glitches, since most of the battalion is either deployed or gainfully employed elsewhere. I have a lot of schooling ahead of me... I have to go to drill sergeant school, finish my basic non-commissioned officer course, etc.

First thing yesterday morning, I was nominated to be the acting first sergeant. DOH! I was all like, "well I don't know anyone here or how things are run, but I'll do the best I can". Well, I didn't loose anyone, mission complete.

Typical reserve unit, the soldiers are always trying to come up with things to do to ward off the boredom monster. Hopefully I can be creative enough to keep the idle hands busy.

Like the old commercials said, "it's not just a job, it's an adventure".

1 comment:

Carnealian said...

I have lots of yard work, house work and laundry to do around my place. Send those soldiers up this way when they get bored. Or better yet, I know someone that's trying to empty out a house, I think he'd appreciate the help!